Fiber in Frederick

In the age of modern technology, high-speed internet access has become as critical factor for competitive businesses. The City of Frederick’s fiber infrastructure has benefited from the substantial investment of multiple providers in the past years.


Segra (formerly Lumos) currently has over 21,000 fiber route miles in Maryland— made possible through more than $5 million in capital investment since 2014. The company recently expanded their footprint in Frederick to Thomas Johnson Drive and are working on another local expansion project to bring fiber to the other side of Route 15.

Learn more about Segra’s infrastructure and services here.

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In 2018, Comcast Business committed to a $1 million dollar investment to the expansion of its fiber-based network in Frederick. The investment was designed to allow the network to reach more than 200 additional businesses directly and benefit hundreds more by making the network more accessible.

Learn more about Comcast Business’ infrastructure & services here.