Shop Small to Make a Big Difference

Saturday, November 26, 2016 marked “Small Business Saturday,” a day established to help support local merchants and the economy on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year. Shopping small is about supporting locally-owned businesses, shops, and restaurants while strengthening the economy in Frederick.

Shopping small has the ability to make a positive impact on the local economy. Frederick households spend an average of nearly $2,300 on clothing, apparel, and jewelry, according to Esri Business Analyst. Shifting more of that spend to small Frederick businesses helps keep money within the local community. Frederick residents also like to dine out. 

Households in the city spend over $3,500 a year on food purchases away from home, which is 14% above the national average according to Esri Business Analyst. 

Luckily 95% of all businesses in Frederick are small business, so there are abundant shopping and dining choices within the city to enjoy throughout the year. 

From the Golden Mile to East Frederick to Downtown Frederick, here is a snapshot of our small business community.   

Select photos by Hood College intern Melissa Dryman.