Local Businessman appointed to Governor's Maryland Economic Development Commission

Congratulations to Dave Severn, local Frederick attorney with Severn O’Conner & Kresslein, for his recent appointment to Governor O’Malley’s Maryland Economic Development Commission. The Commission’s 31 member board was created in 1995 with the mission to establish policies to create a competitive economic climate for business growth to compete more vigorously in the global marketplace.

Dave was quoted as saying, "These are challenging and uncertain times and more than ever we need to develop, support, and initiate programs and initiatives to position Maryland’s economy for growth. Maryland’s economic engine is driven by broad and diverse industries ranging from agriculture to manufacturing, tourism to technology, state and federal facilities to military bases. We need to invest in those economic drivers, promote entrepreneurial enterprises and make it easy to do business in Maryland. I look forward to lending my service and voice to the MEDC in its efforts to grow Maryland’s economy."